1 - Plain, 2 - Plain (reduced), 3 - w/ Silver Leaf, 4 - w/ Silver Leaf (reduced & encased), 5 - w/ TerraNova2 Frit, 6 - w/ Silver Glass Frit (reduced), 7 - w/ Tuxedo, 8 - w/ Copper Green, 9 - w/ Opal Yellow, 10 - w/ Ivory, 11 - w/ White
Let me just start off by saying that these are not the pictures I've been holding my breath for as I get my photography issues under control, but that they are better than some I've been taking and I've decided to just go with it.
CiM Adamantium Unique #1, like Adamantium, is a smooth, creamy dark grey-brown. It's less dark than its cousin, and more greyish. I love brown way more than the average person does, and this one scores high points with me because it plays nice with other colours, isn't red at all and has some fun reactions with silver.
Adamantium #1 with silver reacts very similarly to how Adamantium reacts with silver. When left unexposed on the surface, it forms a yellowish crust that blushes to an orangey colour in places. When reduced and encased, it forms a sold silver layer which tinges blue at the edges. I used leaf with these beads, and foil with the test beads I posted last January for Adamantium, resulting in a little less crusting and bumpiness but essentially the same reaction.
This colour is also like Adamantium in that it is a nice base for striking silver glass. The effect is subtle, because of the grey darkness of the base, but you can see on the left where I got some gorgeous blue and purple from the TerraNova2 frit. The reduction frit in the bead on the right didn't photograph very well, and it hasn't done anything particularly exciting anyway.
When I tested Adamantium, I was using Effetre Black. I am sort of excited about the silvery, shiny line that crops up around the Adamantium #1 when its used with Tuxedo -- and intensely curious about whether or not the same effect would come between Adamantium and Tuxedo, or between Adamantium #1 and Effetre Black. These go on the endless list of things to try. Neat, right?
Adamantium #1 does not behave with Copper Green in the way that I expected it to after testing Adamantium. My Copper Green, here, has an odd murkiness to it that I did not anticipate, and the Adamantium #1 on the Copper Green looks sort of washed out compared to how it looks in the other beads. I spent some time worrying that there was a problem with my torch before I realized the other beads looked much more normal.
I am aggravated by a lot of my earlier colour posts because I had not yet come up with the process I'm now using to test the beads, so again, my basis for comparison is sort of screwed up. I didn't test Adamantium with Opal Yellow, and I haven't tried that combination lately, so I don't have anything to compare this bead to. However, Adamantium #1 looks dark and competent on top of Opal Yellow and the two colours seem fairly tight with each other, with not much bleeding or fraying of the edges of the lines and dots at all. On top of Adamantium #1, Opal Yellow spreads a little.
Adamantium #1 does not seem to bleed into Ivory the way its parent Adamantium does. The lines aren't super-crisp, but they also don't have as much spiky bleed as I saw in my test beads with Adamantium. In the centre of the bead where the two colours meet, a dark line seems to separate the Ivory and Adamantium #1. My Ivory dots and lines spread a little bit, but not as much as Opal Yellow did.
And blast it all! I didn't test Adamantium with White either, so I have no idea if this complete lack of any reaction whatsoever is also common to that combination. Grrr. Oddly, the White dots and lines did not spread much at all -- less than either Ivory or Opal Yellow did.
Here are some fun beads with Adamantium #1. I'm a fan of this colour, and love it just as much as I loved Adamantium-proper.