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September 13, 2019

Test Results :: Oracle742.pst

Oracle742.pst is a very pale pink opaque glass. In certain combination with other colours, and given some extra heat, that pink can darken into a medium mauve colour. This colour is well-behaved for the most part, but can get fizzy and boily when you use it in fine stringers.

This colour does not change when it is reduced.

I got some interesting orange/yellow tones from silver on top of this colour, but that blush of colour faded when I reduced and encased the silver.

The silver glass frit fumed Oracle742.pst a yellowish colour, and I got a reasonably good starting strike from my TerraNova2 frit on top of this colour.

On top of this colour, Tuxedo loses its integrity a little bit and bleeds a bluish halo into the Oracle742.pst.  Opal Yellow, Ivory, and Peace all spread excessively on top of this colour and it is very interesting to note that where you can see flashes of it between Opal Yellow and Ivory dots and lines, the colour of it is a more vivid pink than it is on its own.

On top of Ivory and Opal Yellow, this colour separates fairly dramatically into a lighter and darker version of itself. There is also separation in Oracle742.pst on top of both Tuxedo and Copper Green. On Tuxedo, this effect lends it a faint translucency, but the weirdest thing is the bright turquoise that appears around it on top of Copper Green.

Here are some more interesting beads containing Oracle742.pst.

The pale pink lines and dots in this bead are Oracle742.pst, but the little wavy pale pink bands with dark pink centres are also Oracle742.pst. I'm not sure how the colour gets darker, but I suspect it has something to do with reacting with the other things around it.

Interesting side note... I am not able to try this because I don't have any more of this colour but when I added a little Grass Green Opaque to Vetrofond Light Pink, I got a dark purple colour. I wonder what this colour would do with some green added to it?

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